and tolerate the usual effects that can be performed on graphics. With Super Paint launched, I typed an uppercase M in 48 point. Again, very slowly the sharp and crisp character was generated. Then, I selected “Free Rotate”, and the “M” was rotated 15 degrees. The result of this rotation was the usual blurred barely readable character that my bit map Fonts always make. The inability to create this effect on the Outline Font was very disappointing. I’d always wanted to be able to create the wonderful text effects that can be done with PostScript Fonts on a QuickDraw printer.
I cannot comment on the exportability of files created with text of ATM Outline Fonts, but will research this issue further in the future. Certain other difficulties were noted using ATM. When Symantec Utilities for the Macintosh
-- part contents for card part 2
----- text -----
(SUM) is launched, the first screen uses one of the ATM Outline Fonts as text. This results in the screen actually requiring 12 seconds to be entirely printed to my monitor. This painful waiting process is repeated with every new screen selected in this application! If other applications utilize Fonts contained in ATM, the slow process of drawing these calculated characters would probably be repeated.
Is ATM a useful addition to your Mac System? The decision here depends on your needs. If you are looking for an item to clean up the appearance of text printed from a word processor in usual sizes on an ImageWriter, ATM will be a disappointment. For the graphics